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Taher recognizes its role in changing the world, one customer at a time. We are proud to offer a complete portfolio of sustainability programs. We all share this earth and together we can solve the environmental issues we face. Therefore, as a leader in the Food Service industry, Taher has developed and implemented innovative policies, systems, and programs that encourage responsible and sustainable practices.

Purchasing Power

When feasible, Taher purchases in bulk. From a business standpoint, it makes sense to take advantage of economies of scale. Many perishable items are shipped in bulk directly to our Plymouth Commissary, which accepts the deliveries, separates the items, and delivers just the right amount of product to individual customer sites. The practice greatly reduces the waste that occurs when too much food is ordered and delivered, but can’t be used.


Environmentally Safe Products at TaherRecycling and Composting

Back in the 1970’s and 1980’s, we actually had to make a conscious effort to recycle. However, over the past few decades, it has become an ingrained part of our corporate culture and a good habit. Our vendors and suppliers feel the same way!

Many of our clients have active and successful recycling and composting programs. These programs provide an ideal opportunity to educate our customers onthe role that food, nutrition, packaging and a host of other topics play in our daily lives. Taher continues to seek out new opportunities to try different products and packaging. Many products we purchase today minimize packaging or use reduced plastic content. Who would have ever thought that plates, glassware, trays and even silverware would be environmentally-friendly?

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