Healthy lunch selections at the IGC Cafeteria!

tabboulehDo you ever forget to pack your lunch or find yourself resorting to fast food and unhealthy lunch options? Do you notice you fall into unhealthy habits due to limited time? Jenna McClean, Registered Dietitian and Health Coach at the Health and Wellness Center, is available to speak with you about how you can improve your health habits with your busy schedules at no additional cost to you. Jenna has been working with Taher Chef Jim at IGC-South Cafeteria to promote healthy lunch options that are available onsite to promote your health!

Have you noticed the “Grains and Greens” section at IGC-South Cafeteria? This is located next to the deli, right across from the salad bar. Chef Jim prepares a variety of fresh dishes at the “Grains and Greens” section including Tabbouleh, multiple flavors of hummus, and a variety of grain salads that are weighed similar to the salad bar. You can serve these options on top of your salad or as a side item. Jenna recently promoted some of these dishes by giving away taste samples outside of IGC-South Cafeteria and discussed the health benefits of choosing these items.

This section promotes a variety of whole grains including quinoa, farrow, bulgur wheat, and brown rice- which are all great sources of fiber and vitamins in your eating plan! Fresh vegetables are also offered in these mixed dishes or as a side item. All dishes are flavored with natural ingredients including lemon juice, fresh herbs, and spices and have no artificial flavors or preservatives! Finally, these dishes offer heart healthy fats by only using extra-virgin olive oil. Next time you are in the IGC-South Cafeteria, check out what the “Grains and Greens” section has to offer!