Disclaimer: This is meant to help you in your research of childhood nutrition and how to maintain a healthier diet. This is not meant to replace a registered dietician nutritionist or doctor’s recommendations. Always consult a doctor before changing your diet.
Baby Is Here! Now What?
Bringing baby home for the first time is a very exciting and trying time in a parent’s life.
Infant Nutrition & What You Need To Eat
What are the nutrition needs for a new baby? What will the new mother need in order to provide the proper amount of nutrition to the baby during breastfeeding?
Good news, there aren’t many foods that new mothers need to avoid. That being said, some foods you eat may upset your baby’s stomach. Every child is different, so be sure to keep track of what you are eating to know what impacts your baby. Be aware of how much caffeine you are ingesting. Too much caffeine can make your baby fussy and make it difficult for them to get to sleep.
One thing that is important during breastfeeding is staying hydrated. It is recommended that during breastfeeding, mothers drink a glass of water during each feeding. Try to limit the amount of liquids with sugar, like fruit drinks and soda pop. Your doctor may also suggest you take a multivitamin. Overall, a generally healthy diet is the best for you and your baby.
Eating a generally healthy diet is the best way to keep yourself and your baby happy and healthy. The important thing is to remember to eat! This can slip the minds of new parents because like many second and third time parents will tell you, the first few months a parent’s brain can turn to jelly caring for the new little one in your life.
After remembering to eat, remember to stack your plate with fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Lean protein is important and remember that you can get protein from beans, nuts, and lentils.
Food Safety Is Still Important
Food safety is back This is especially important during the first few years of life since young children’s immune systems are not as developed. Always remember to wash your hands, cook food to the correct temperatures, and take extra precautions when making the child’s food.
Check to make sure the food safe button is down when opening baby food. Be sure to clean all of the items that come into contact or may come into contact with the baby’s food. Always keep prepared formula in a refrigerated container.
When preparing to feed the baby either breast milk or formula if you have it in a bottle, run it under the faucet with hot water until you get the temperature you’re looking for. Have a thermometer on the bottle or use the inside of your wrist as a temperature indicator.